So, who needs a copywriter? Discover 7 reasons you may need the assistance of a professional wordsmith.
Unless you’ve only recently emerged from a “Californian Cryo-Penitentiary” like a modern-day Demolition Man, you’ve probably heard of a copywriter.
But knowing a bit about this profession and what they do on a daily doesn’t necessarily indicate whether you actually need to hire one.
To shed some light on the subject, I’ve compiled a quick and simple blog to help you decide when the time is right to ditch the DIY content approach and speak to the real McCoy.
Who needs copywriters?
“Who needs copywriters?”. Apparently, it’s a question you lovely folk have been searching for on the reg.
But before the passive-aggressive nature of this question leads me into an existential crisis, allow me to feed your curiosity.
You should consider using copywriting services if any of the following points apply to you:
Your products or services are hard to explain
This point usually applies to companies operating in the tech, science and financial industries that have a complex offering.
The key to marketing success is simplicity. As Sir Richard Branson once said, “Complexity is your enemy. Any fool can make something complicated. It is hard to keep things simple“.
Take the phone or laptop you’re looking at right now. How often have you stopped to think about how your device is made? Once? Twice? Never? You get my point.
Sexy copywriting focuses on the way the solution or the brand will make the audience feel.
And for bonus brownie points, somehow incorporate keywords to get you found online or on social platforms.
You can’t write what you know
You might be the master of verbally describing your service, product or brand, but knowing how to articulate it concisely to meet the requirements of the platform and your audience in written form is a whole different ballgame.
LinkedIn requires a different approach and strategy to a simple strapline on a promotional ad.
You find yourself skim-reading your content
Nobody buys from a Karen. (Sorry, Karen.) Your content needs to ooze enthusiasm, capture the imagination of the audience and create a sense of FOMO. If you find yourself skim-reading your own content, imagine how Joe Bloggs from Cheltenham feels when he’s made to scroll through it.
For validation, take a look at some common content marketing metrics. If your bounce rate is above 70% or your read time is below 1 minute on a blog, you need to rethink your copy.
A decent copywriter can draw on nostalgia, use an element of surprise to keep people guessing and bring your story to life. Remember, everyone has a journey – you included. But it’s a case of telling it in a way that gets people invested in your brand.
You don’t want to sound like your competitors
I know we’re living in some sort of “1984” totalitarian, AI-driven, I-Robot clone world, but it doesn’t mean you always have to follow the crowd. *Cue a knock on the door from the thought police*.
You have the license to be different. Instead of using dull wanky corporate words like “innovative” or “The world’s leading”, why not spice things up a bit? For example, swap “We’re an innovative app used by customers from all over the world” with “Our app is so good, you’ll feel obliged to tell the old drunk bloke at your local boozer about it.”
A random example. But you get my point.
Nobody looks at your website
You could have built a website with all the trimmings, but if the content isn’t optimised for search, you’re essentially trying to drive a Ferrari without an engine.
A copywriter with SEO chops and general marketing acumen will help you create content that incentivises a click from social or email and help you rank at the top of SERPs (Search Engine Results Page) – i.e. Google.
You can’t be asked/don’t have time
I get it. To some, writing content instantly brings back awful memories of being forced to write sonnets and compile essays on Chaucher’s Canterbury Tales.
But to weirdo copywriters (like me), it’s what I like to call fun.
So, provided you’re open to a new perspective and are comfortable letting go of the reins, it could be time to call in a copywriter.
You want to consider the bigger picture
If you want to make your content work harder, you need to go beyond the surface level of copywriting. This approach requires strategic thinking and a sense of curiosity about the meaning of language.
There’s a psychology behind words. Let me give you a simple example. When you message someone, I bet you can remember a time when they got the wrong end of the stick. The bottom line is that language has the power to elevate your brand or seriously cheese some people off.
If you want to think about aligning your messaging with your brand and use data to do it, a brilliant copywriter will help you do it. They can also use this information and data to develop a wider content marketing strategy.
Speak to the spiciest, cheesiest, pun-loving copywriting agency in the UK
If the answer to the “Who needs copywriters?” passive-aggressive question is YOU, don’t fret.
At Content Chef, we’ve helped many businesses, individuals and agencies make more dough and create a narrative in keeping with their brand identity through the power of language.
To find out more about our copywriting services, get in touch.
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Written by Daryl Charman