What is a pluviophile? If you’re reading this, then I’ve managed to pique your interest.
First thing’s first; what is a pluviophile?
Regarded as one of the most beautiful words in the English language, pluviophile is a noun used to describe a lover of rain. A pluviophile finds joy and peace of mind during rainy days, which is pretty handy if you live in the UK!
As a pluviophile, you’ll enjoy being outside, regardless of the weather and will find great comfort in listening to the rain hitting your window ledge when you’re inside. You’ll even love the scent ensued when the rain hits a road or freshly cut grass.
It also means you’re prone to clickbait content…
But don’t fear, for we all are. Like any ‘Millennial’, I didn’t stumble upon this word by digesting the Oxford English Dictionary, I found it on the internet while procrastinating.
I’m the kind of guy who researches content marketing news and ends up reading about Taylor Swift’s latest celebrity romance.
My point is, that clickbait content is absolutely everywhere and we’re all guilty of succumbing to its powers.
Go on, read a bit more. I dare you...
The Oxford English Dictionary definition of clickbait is “content whose main purpose is to attract attention and encourages visitors to click on a link to a particular web page.” However, the reality of clickbait content is that it generally tricks people into consuming your content by tapping into our natural curiosity as humans.
Nowadays, we’ve acclimatised ourselves to ignoring generic and tired content. As marketers, we’ve become so hell-bent on writing SEO content, that we’ve forgotten about the art of storytelling and adding genuine value.
Now, that’s not to say I’m discarding SEO copywriting, as it serves a very important purpose in answering questions and sharing valuable information. Heck, I’d be the biggest hypocrite going if I did.
The fact of the matter is that LinkedIn doesn’t need to see another article on SEO best practices because most people will simply scroll past it.
Cue the clickbait content.
Over the past few years, we’ve seen journalists create fake news by finding one or two tweets from keyboard warriors and deeming it as public opinion. In the same light, marketers seem to love using bold headlines and subject lines to get clicks or spark a debate and then provide run-of-the-mill ‘top tips’.
Despite this, it doesn’t mean clickbait content is a bad thing. It creates curiosity, intrigue and mystery.
It’s the very reason why ITV keep churning out more episodes of Endeavour and you felt compelled to learn more about the definition of a pluviophile.
The key to writing successful clickbait content is to give something back to the reader.
They’ve invested time in you, so the least you can do is provide value and entertainment.
No marketer or copywriter will get sales or build a brand reputation with high click-through stats alone. If the quality of your content doesn’t live up to the hype of your headline, you’re going to see dreadful bounce rates and unsubscribes.
It’s essentially like putting a big juicy worm on the end of your fishing rod and getting loads of bites, yet every catch falls off your hook.
Clickbait works when the headline is provocative and interesting but remains true to the subject of the content.
(Not like this rather ironic blog about the meaning of pluviophile!)
Nevertheless, if you need any support in writing content that strikes the perfect balance between value and creativity, get in touch with Content Chef today.
Written by Daryl Charman